Working Together For Your Nutritional Needs

Claygate Dietitian offers personalised, evidence-based nutrition advice for children and adults, specialising in infant and childhood nutrition for specific medical needs.

What is a dietitian?

Dietitians are qualified and regulated health professionals that assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems at an individual and wider public-health level.

They use the most up-to-date public health and scientific research on food, health and disease which they translate into practical guidance to enable people to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.

The title dietitian is the only food and nutrition title that is protected by law. Only those registered with the statutory regulator, the Health & Care Professions Council can use the title.

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Working Together For Your Nutritional Needs

Claygate Dietitian offers personalised, evidence-based nutrition advice for children and adults, specialising in infant and childhood nutrition for specific medical needs.


Find the right service for you and your child

In Person Consultation

This is a private consultation, held either at your home or in a mutually agreed location. Initial consultations are of approximately 1 hour, and follow-up consultations are of approximately 45 minutes.
Consultations are 1-2-1 to enable tailored advice for you or your child.

Online Videocall Consultation

This is a private consultation, conducted via online videocall. initial consultations are of approximately 1 hour, and follow-up consultations are of approximately 45 minutes.
consultations are 1-2-1 to enable tailored advice for you or your child.

Group Sessions

This is a group session, or series of group sessions, tailor-made for your needs. This could be an introduction to weaning for you and your new mummy crew, a round-up of the latest evidence in childhood nutrition as you and your little ones move to pre-school/big school, or a nutrition training session for you and your work colleagues.


Find the right service for you and your child

In Person Consultation

This is a private consultation, held either at your home or in a mutually agreed location. Initial consultations are of approximately 1 hour, and follow-up consultations are of approximately 45 minutes.
Consultations are 1-2-1 to enable tailored advice for you or your child.

Online Videocall Consultation

This is a private consultation, conducted via online videocall. initial consultations are of approximately 1 hour, and follow-up consultations are of approximately 45 minutes.
consultations are 1-2-1 to enable tailored advice for you or your child.

Group Sessions

This is a group session, or series of group sessions, tailor-made for your needs. This could be an introduction to weaning for you and your new mummy crew, a round-up of the latest evidence in childhood nutrition as you and your little ones move to pre-school/big school, or a nutrition training session for you and your work colleagues.

I offer a FREE initial telephone call to anyone interested in booking a service. This is an opportunity for you to find out more about me and the consultation process, and for me to get an overview of why you want to see a Dietitian, a brief rundown of your/your child’s medical history and what you would like to achieve.

About Me

Dr Natasha Schoeler Is A Specialist Paediatric Dietitian, Working For The NHS At A Leading London Children’s Hospital And In Academia.

Since 2010, she has specialised in research for high-fat, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets for children with epilepsy. She obtained her PhD in ketogenic diets at University College London and continues her postdoctoral research in the same field, alongside clinical work.

She has worked clinically as a General Paediatric Dietitian and Specialist Dietitian at University Hospitals Lewisham and Evelina London Children’s Hospital.

Dr Schoeler is passionate about empowering people, in particular parents, to make informed choices about their eating habits and those of their children. She adopts a practical and realistic approach, informed from both her professional career and personal life as a mother of 3. She strives to explain the evidence behind any advice given, whilst remaining mindful of the barriers to dietary change and what is appropriate for each individual and their circumstances.

About Me

Dr Natasha Schoeler Is A Specialist Paediatric Dietitian, Working For The NHS At A Leading London Children’s Hospital And In Academia.

Since 2010, she has specialised in research for high-fat, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets for children with epilepsy. She obtained her PhD in ketogenic diets at University College London and continues her postdoctoral research in the same field, alongside clinical work.

She has worked clinically as a General Paediatric Dietitian and Specialist Dietitian at University Hospitals Lewisham and Evelina London Children’s Hospital.

Dr Schoeler is passionate about empowering people, in particular parents, to make informed choices about their eating habits and those of their children. She adopts a practical and realistic approach, informed from both her professional career and personal life as a mother of 3. She strives to explain the evidence behind any advice given, whilst remaining mindful of the barriers to dietary change and what is appropriate for each individual and their circumstances.

Where I Can Help

  • Growth Concerns

  • Food Allergy Or Intolerance

  • Nutritional Deficiencies, Such As Iron-Deficiency Anaemia

  • Vegetarian Or Vegan Diets

  • Specialised Diets Due To Medical Conditions, Such As Coeliac Disease

  • Complementary Feeding (Weaning)

  • Enteral Tube Feeding (Where Appropriate)


Private consultations

Initial 1-2-1 consultation (approx. 1 hour): £130

Follow up 1-2-1 consultation (approx. 45 minutes): £75

All rates quoted cover the cost of preparation and review of information prior to the consultation, the consultation itself, a detailed report following your consultation, any relevant paperwork/correspondence, and travelling time.

You will be guided at your first appointment on the number of appointments you may need. Email support in between consultations is included.

Details of payment will be given when the consultation is booked.

Group sessions

Rates will depend on the service required, to be discussed with the client.

Rates will cover the cost of preparation and review of information prior to the group session, the sessions themselves, any relevant paperwork/correspondence, and travelling time.

Details of payment will be given when the (first) session is booked.

Contacts made via the enquiry form will be answered within 2 working days.

  • Growth Concerns

  • Food Allergy Or Intolerance

  • Nutritional Deficiencies, Such As Iron-Deficiency Anaemia

  • Vegetarian Or Vegan Diets

  • Specialised Diets Due To Medical Conditions, Such As Coeliac Disease

  • Complementary Feeding (Weaning)

  • Enteral Tube Feeding (Where Appropriate)

48 hours’ notice is required to cancel or reschedule any consultation or service with Claygate Dietitian. If cancellations are made with less than 48 hours’ notice, 50% of the full consultation fee, as listed above, will be required.
