I offer a FREE initial telephone call to anyone interested in booking a service. This is an opportunity for you to find out more about me and the consultation process, and for me to get an overview of why you want to see a Dietitian, a brief rundown of your/your child’s medical history and what you would like to achieve.
Where I Can Help
Private consultations
Initial 1-2-1 consultation (approx. 1 hour): £130
Follow up 1-2-1 consultation (approx. 45 minutes): £75
All rates quoted cover the cost of preparation and review of information prior to the consultation, the consultation itself, a detailed report following your consultation, any relevant paperwork/correspondence, and travelling time.
You will be guided at your first appointment on the number of appointments you may need. Email support in between consultations is included.
Details of payment will be given when the consultation is booked.
Group sessions
Rates will depend on the service required, to be discussed with the client.
Rates will cover the cost of preparation and review of information prior to the group session, the sessions themselves, any relevant paperwork/correspondence, and travelling time.
Details of payment will be given when the (first) session is booked.
Contacts made via the enquiry form will be answered within 2 working days.
48 hours’ notice is required to cancel or reschedule any consultation or service with Claygate Dietitian. If cancellations are made with less than 48 hours’ notice, 50% of the full consultation fee, as listed above, will be required.